MRA Toolkit

A Practical Resource to Support Professional Services Mutual Recognition in the APEC Region

The Mutual Recognition Agreements Toolkit is a practical resource to support professional services mutual recognition activities in the APEC region. The Toolkit provides practical guidance and examples on all topics and issues central to mutual recognition, from agreement-making to implementation. It is a useful reference for both experienced and new practitioners in the mutual recognition of professional services field.

Mutual Recognition Agreements Toolkit

Executive Summary


Understanding mutual recognition: key concepts and definitions

Preparing for a MRA: Factors to consider in the home economy

Approaching MRAs: common barriers and how to overcome them

Assessing equivalency of standards: key principles and best practices

Choosing an instrument: different kinds of agreement

Building a MRA: the common elements​

Negotiating a MRA: Process and pointers

Implementing a MRA: ease of use and keeping them current

What's New

See recent news, materials and developments related to professional services MRAs in the APEC region.


Access a suite of resources designed to improve understanding, share insights and provide guidance on professional services MRAs.


Learn more about MRAs in APEC and the Australian APEC Study Centre.

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