APEC – supporting MRA activity in the Asia Pacific region
About the APEC Professional Services and Mutual Recognition Project
This site supports the APEC Professional Services and Mutual Recognition Project, which is an initiative of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). The project contributes to APEC’s goals and those of the Australian Government in improving the transparency and knowledge of MRAs, promoting the use of digital credentialling and licensure, and providing opportunity for information sharing and collaboration among APEC economies.
The Australian APEC Study Centre has worked with DFAT over the past three years to disseminate Australia’s MRA work across the region and support delivery of the benefits in a meaningful way. For more information, contact us or visit: https://www.dfat.gov.au/trade/for-australian-business/professional-services-mutual-recognition-unit
About the Australian APEC Study Centre
The Australian APEC Study Centre (AASC) at RMIT University is a regional centre for excellence in APEC-related trade and development issues and policy. The AASC’s goal is to promote international cooperation and economic prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region. Since 2009, the AASC has worked within RMIT University to deliver global engagement, collaboration, and capacity building activities with positive and sustainable economic, social and educational outcomes.
For more information on the AASC, visit our site: https://www.apec.org.au/
What's New
See recent news, materials and developments related to professional services MRAs in the APEC region.
Access a suite of resources designed to improve understanding, share insights and provide guidance on professional services MRAs.